Personal Suite
Single-user system for one webmaster to create and manage a small website. Includes Databases, E-Commerce, Community and Statistics add-on modules.
Please click on the links below for more information about the features
of the Personal Suite and see the Asbru Web Content Management system User Guide for full details.
- 100% Browser-based website administration.
- One Website Administrator with access to all content.
- Website Administration Toolbar for full & easy access to all functionality.
- Browse & Edit your website directly.
- Enable/disable individual website administration features.
- Context Sensitive Help.
- New Rebrand the system with your own company name and logo.
- What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get editing of your content.
- Editing & formatting content in the powerful WYSIWYG editor.
- Insert content such as images, Flash Animations, Java Applets, links and downloadable files.
- Copy/Cut & Paste and Drag & Drop content.
- CSS Style Sheet formatting of your content.
- Spell Checking in 44+ languages.
- Import & Clean content from Microsoft Word.
- Table, row, column & cell insertion, deletion and editing.
- Form, form buttons and form input fields insertion and editing.
- Plain Mode, which displays the content with table, image and form guidelines.
- DOM Inspector, which displays HTML tags when you are editing in WYSIWYG mode.
- Raw HTML mode for unlimited HTML and JavaScript programming flexibility.
- Customize the web content editor.
- Website Content Templates to get you started quickly.
- Graphic Design Templates - 150+ Designs to choose from.
- Graphic Design Styles - Support for CSS Style Sheets.
- Default Templates & Style Sheets with website-wide effect.
- Different Templates & Style Sheets for various sections of your website.
- Create, update and delete primary content in Content Pages.
- Create reusable modular Content Elements to insert into Pages and Templates.
- Automatic random content rotation to give your website more diversity.
- Media Library with access to manage media content.
- Define image & file formats allowed to be uploaded to your website.
- Website Search functionality to enable visitors to search your website.
- Contact Forms to receive e-mails from website visitors.
- Guestbook to receive feedback from website visitors.
- Meta Information for search engine support and search engine ranking optimisation.
- New Dublin Core Metadata and other custom meta information.
- User Database for managing registered website visitors.
- Public/Restricted website content or content sections.
- Secure Socket Layer (SSL) login for access to manage content.
- Secure Socket Layer (SSL) login for access to restricted areas of your website.
- E-mail monitoring of web content management system login attempts.
- User friendly static website addresses (URLs) / filenames for published pages.
- Search engine friendly website addresses (URLs) with URL-Rewriting.
- Product Catalogue where all products are defined, described and managed.
- Product Templates with full control over the presentation of products.
- Shopping Cart collects your customer's items for purchase.
- Checkout collects invoice, delivery, shipping and payment details from your customers.
- Tax Rates for a wide range of tax regimes.
- Shipping Rates to handle different delivery destinations, order sizes and products.
- Payment Processing enables you to accept payment online through an Internet payment service provider.
- Order Confirmation provides your customers with an order confirmation by email.
Order Notification is emailed to your sales/order department for processing.
- Order Tracking enables you to change the details and update the status for each order.
- Multiple Currencies handling with automatic currency exchange for your product prices.
- Multi-lingual/multi-version e-commerce websites with different currencies and automatic currency exchange.
- User Registration enables users to register on your website.
- Personal Web pages for registered users.
- Personal Preferences for registered users.
- Guestbooks give users access to post feedback to you and other users.
- Message Boards give users access to post messages on various topics of interest.
- Discussion Forums give users access to discuss topics of interest.
- Weblogs give users access to comment on topics of interest posted by you periodically.
- Email Mailing Lists functionality enables you to send emails to registered users.
- Product Reviews to give website visitors access to post and share reviews of your products.
- Display Database Data in a format that fits your requirements.
- Browse & Search - Enable visitors to browse & search the content of your databases.
- Create Databases with as many fields and field types as you require.
- Manage Database Content through your website.
- Collect Data from your website users through forms for advanced surveys etc.
- Personalised Data Extraction to enable users to see data that are specific to them.
- Display Data in Restricted Areas to enable registered users to see database content.
- Database Access Restrictions to delegate creation, editing and deletion of content.
- Import and Export Data to and from your content databases.
- Real-Time Usage Statistics directly from within the web content management system.
- View Summary Statistics for visitor activity on your website.
- Drill down to visitor activity in content sections and on individual page level.
- Monitor Media Activity including downloading of files from your website.
- Analyse popular paths through your website and the paths of individual visitors/hosts.
- Analyse entry and exit pages to evaluate the efficiency of your website.
- Monitor registered visitors' activity on your website.
- Track referrals of visitors to your website from external websites.
- View key phrases & keywords that direct users of search engines to your website.
- Analyse which of your e-commerce products are most popular.
- Monitor visitor activity over time to see improvements in exposure of your company.
- Monitor, which countries your website visitors come from.
- See which operating systems and browsers your website visitors use.
- Configure website statistics access restrictions and data collection criteria.
- Custom / Third-Party Add-On Modules.
- Custom / Third-Party Extensions to include External Content on Your Website.
- New Custom template/script programming API.
Free online support.
Free and easy access to software updates.
- Small Business Suite, Professional Suite, Enterprise Suite & Hosting Edition upgrade.

Asbru Web Content Management v12.2.2 available now. (.NET, PHP and JSP/Java versions). Personal, Small Business, Professional and Hosting Edition web content management software for Microsoft Windows, Linux and Unix.
Asbru E-Commerce, Community, Databases and Statistics Add-On modules v12.2.2 available now. (.NET, PHP and JSP/Java versions). E-Commerce, Community, Databases and Statistics Add-On modules for the Asbru Web Content Management system software.
Asbru Website Manager v11.1.3 available now. (ASP and PHP versions). Ready to use and easy to use, cross-browser
and cross-platform website manager software for updating your website pages using only your web browser.
Asbru Web Content Editor v11.1.3 available now. (ASP, .NET, ColdFusion, PHP and JSP/Java versions).
Cross-browser and cross-platform WYSIWYG HTML editor for Microsoft Internet Explorer,
Mozilla, Netscape and Safari on Windows, Macintosh, Linux and Unix.
Affiliates & Partners Volume discounts
available to end-users, web designers, web developers, web hosting
providers, system integrators, software vendors and resellers. Please Contact Us.